Wow the World with
Japanese Agriculture

Transform Declining Agriculture

Production Transformation

  • Issues

    1. Inefficient and small production land per farm
    2. Outdated production method and mindset
    3. Limited capital investment for technological advancement
  • Build and implement cutting edge production capabilities

    1. Revitalizing abandoned land by driving large-scale ownership and operation
    2. Implementing most advanced domestic and foreign production technologies
    3. Data-driven analysis to enhance and create new farming technologies

Distribution Transformation

  • Issues

    1. Manual handling operation with low productivity
    2. Small, cost-inefficient fruit handling facilities
  • Scale and digitally transform the handling and packaging operations

    1. Automation of the handling and packaging operations
    2. Streamlining the handling and packaging operation facility

Export Transformation

  • Issues

    1. Limited upside for growth tied to the shrinking domestic market
    2. Increased cost due to trading middlemen
    3. Weak competitive pricing in international markets
  • Expanding into global markets with highly competitive products

    1. Developing new demand in the global market
    2. Export through proprietary routes and partners
    3. Compelling marketing and branding with international presence

Elevate Agriculture into a Thriving Growth SectorNihon Agri is pursuing ‘profitable structural transformation’ to make agriculture a sustainable and resilient sector


Agriculture is a thriving industry
that will steer our future

The fundamental challenge in Japanese agriculture is its overreliance on the domestic market, limiting its growth potential as an industry.

Conversely, recent years have witnessed a surge in demand for high-quality Japanese agricultural products in overseas markets, particularly in Asia. These products, such as sweet apples, exceptional Japanese sweet potatoes, and the crisp and juicy seedless Shine Muscat grapes, represent just a fraction of Japan’s diverse and delectable agricultural offerings. Japan takes pride in possessing some of the world’s most diverse and delicious agricultural products.

By capitalizing on this ‘variety and quality’ strength, Japanese agriculture can transition into a thriving industry by expanding its reach to global markets, rather than solely focusing on the domestic market.

To fully unlock the potential of ‘variety and quality,’ it is imperative to establish a value chain that can compete directly with foreign agricultural products. To achieve this, we are diligently working to secure scale from production to distribution,

incorporating world-class technology to create an industry structure that ensures efficient and stable supply.

We firmly believe in the untapped potential of Japanese agriculture and are taking progressive steps, one at a time, to move forward. Our mission is to ‘astound the world with Japanese agriculture,’ in collaboration with fellow visionaries and local communities.

NIHON AGRI, INC.Shohei Naito


Establish profitable agriculture through end-to-end value chain management

  • Production

    1. Expanding network of large-scale farms in Japan and abroad
    2. Fostering innovation through provision of cutting-edge technology
  • Handling and packaging

    1. Enhancing efficiency in handling and packaging operations
    2. Process automation with smart handling and packaging machines
  • Sale

    1. Expanding global reach for Japanese agricultural products via proprietary sales channels
    2. Boosting overseas branding of Japanese agricultural products
    3. Extending farm-direct sales nationwide

Business Opportunity

Our business all over the world

Our business in Japan


We proudly introduce Japan’s inaugural large-scale fruit handling machine, capable of automatically selecting approximately 15 apples per second. This revolutionary technology has accelerated apple handling by a factor of three compared to the traditional methods. Moreover, it incorporates state-of-the-art image recognition technology, enabling the identification of apple blemishes through images, thereby automating the visual inspection that was once reliant on human eyes.


Our network of partners dedicated to
agricultural transformation is growing

RecruitAt Nihon Agri, we seek individuals who have unwavering faith in the potential of agriculture and are committed to turning that belief into action

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